Your News... In Real-Time!
At Bruce Middle School we've decided to go paperless with our newsletter.
There are two advantages to this:
- The saving of paper is a savings in costs and more importantly another step in our ongoing commitment to sustainability.
- By offering news in this format, we can now provide our community with real-time news as it happens, instead of waiting until the end of the month to send out information.
Want to get regular updates as items are posted? Follow Us On Twitter!
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
The next Bruce Parent Council Meeting will take place on Thursday, October 1st at 7pm in the Library.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Parents of Children in Grade 7
If you would like to meet Mrs. Bergeron who has recently joined our staff, we will be holding an informal meet and greet evening in our school library on Tuesday, September 29th, from 7:00 PM to 7:45. This is an opportunity to put a face to the name and make an initial contact with your child’s teacher. We look forward to seeing all who can attend.
My Child in the Middle Years: A Parent Resource (Website)
Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning is pleased to announce the online release of My Child in the Middle Years: A Parent Resource. The department created this online resource to meet an expressed need for provincial resources for parents/guardians of children in their Middle Years (Grades 5 to 8) in school. The website offers information and resources to help parents and educators understand the developmental changes and situations adolescent children may experience at school, at home, and in the community. It also addresses questions and concerns parents of Middle Years students may have, and provides explanations and suggestions on how to handle a variety of challenging situations.
This resource will be available on the department's website at:
This resource will be available on the department's website at:
Thank you to all the athletes in grade 6-8 who came out for volleyball the past 2 weeks. The girls and boys tier 1 and 2 teams have been made. Congratulations to all those athletes who made the team. The schedules for tier 1 and 2 can be found on the Bruce calendar.
Any student in grade 6-8 who still wishes to play volleyball, but is not a part of the tier 1 or 2 team, is welcome to join the atomic teams. The boys will begin practice on Monday at lunch and the girls will begin practice on Tuesday at lunch. Atomic practices are held during the lunch hour and there are two tournaments that are held during the school day. Practice times and tournaments are available on the school calendar. All students who are currently not on a team are encouraged to attend!
Any student in grade 6-8 who still wishes to play volleyball, but is not a part of the tier 1 or 2 team, is welcome to join the atomic teams. The boys will begin practice on Monday at lunch and the girls will begin practice on Tuesday at lunch. Atomic practices are held during the lunch hour and there are two tournaments that are held during the school day. Practice times and tournaments are available on the school calendar. All students who are currently not on a team are encouraged to attend!
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Cross-Country Update
Congratulations to the Bruce cross country runners, all who run gain the school valuable points. Bruce students have had some excellent results, we just need a few more runners on the starting line to win a banner. Come out if you are fast or slow.
Bruce runners in the top 5 are;
Grade 6 Boys-Andrew B, 2nd,
Grade 7 Boys-Justin J 2nd,Spencer R 3rd, and Josh S in 5th
Grade 7 Girls-Mariah A finished a strong 4th,
Grade 8 Girls- Kaitlyn D, 2nd
Grade 8 Boys- Noah D in 4th, Owen P 3rd, and Palmer in 2nd.
Next meet is Monday, make a practice Tuesday morning OR Tuesday at lunch OR Tuesday after school.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
First Lesson Night
First Lesson Night for all Grade 6 Band students is this Wednesday, September 23rd from 6:45-8pm. All Grade 6 Band students need to be at Bruce at 6:40pm with their instruments. Parents are encouraged to attend.
Sunday, 20 September 2015
PARENTS ~ Please Join Bruce Remind to Receive School Wide Messages directly to Text
Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool that will help us share important updates and reminders with parents. Subscribe by text, email or using the Remind app. All personal information is kept private.
We will never see your phone number, nor will you see ours. Follow the instructions below to subscribe.
Visit to learn more.
That's it!
Now you are automatically set up to receive Bruce reminders including announcements, important dates, events and more!
Friday, 18 September 2015
In recognition of her expertise
and leadership, Ms. Toth has been hired as a Curriculum Coordinator for the St.
James Assiniboia School Division. This
will be a great benefit for a large number of children across the school division
as she will be working with teachers and schools in the area of numeracy. Unfortunately, that means she will not be
teaching at Bruce Middle School this year.
We wish Ms. Toth all the best in her new position.
We are pleased to announce that
we have hired Mrs. Bergeron to join the team at Bruce effective Monday, September
21, 2015. Mrs. Bergeron will be teaching
class 7A Language Arts, Math and Science and she will teaching class 7D Math
and 7C French. Mrs. Bergeron brings 13
years of experience with her and has done a significant amount of work here at
Bruce over the years.
We are confident that this
transition will be smooth and that the teaching and learning process will
continue in a very positive way.

Bruce Middle School is also proud to announce that on Wednesday, September 23rd at 10:15, Fred Fox, Terry Fox's brother will address the entire school.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Spirit Week
Fall Spirit Week!
September 21-25, 2015

Monday: Fall out of Sleep! “PJ Day”
Tuesday: “Me in the Future Day”: Dress up as your vision of who you might be in the future
Wednesday: “Black & White Day”: Dress up in your best Black and White gear
Thursday: “Sports Day”: Dress up in your favourite sports team gear, or uniform
Friday: BLAST Day: Wear your BLAST colours- ask your BLAST teacher if you aren’t sure!
Bruce Clothing Update
Bruce clothing samples are now in! Come and check out the sizes and samples prior to ordering your clothing. Samples will be available during the lunch hour. Please see Mrs. Sproll for extra order forms and payment. Orders are due on Friday, September 25.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Meet the Teacher BBQ and Parent Council AGM
Please join us for the Bruce Middle School Meet the Teacher BBQ today from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.. The Parent Council AGM with take place @ 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Winter Camp, Grade 7
Showing posts with label Winter Camp. Show all posts
Winter Camp
Winter Camp Permission Form Click Link to the left or see Mr. Harland
Tuesday Feb 2nd to Thursday Feb 4th this year (Friday is an inservice). Always one of the most memorable activities for Bruce students. Click the link above for the permission form and stay in tune for upcoming announcements for more information. Below is the schedule for the event.
Camp Schedule
Tuesday, Feb 2nd
Leave Bruce
Arrive, tour Camp and settle into cabins
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LUNCH (Bring your own bag lunch!!)
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Activity: ____________________
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FREE TIME (warm up)
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3:30 – 5:30
Activity: ____________________
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5:30 – 6:00
Free Time
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6:00 – 7:00
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7:00 - 7:30
Free Time
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7:30 – 9:30
Park Naturalist presentation and snack
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9:30 – 10:00
Return to cabins and prepare for bed.
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Good Night.
Wednesday, Feb 3rd
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Activity: ____________________
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11:30 - 12:30
| |
| |
Activity: ____________________
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Prepare for Bonfire
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5:30 – 6:00
| |
| |
Night Hike, Bonfire and snack
| |
9:30 – 10:00
Return to cabins & prepare for bed. In cabins by 10:00.
| |
Good Night
Thursday, Feb 4th
| |
CAMP WANAKUMBAC Olympic Games 2015
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Cabin clean up
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Lunch and Camp Awards
| |
Cabin check & load Luggage on Bus.
| |
Leave Camp. Good Bye!!!
| |
Meet by the door facing Athlone School.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Before School (8am Sharp), Lunch and After School. Make AT LEAST 4 practices a week to attend the Meets Meets on Sept 21, 24, 28 and Oct 1.
Friday, 4 September 2015
Choral News
Greetings from the Choral Department! I am
looking forward to another exciting year of singing at Bruce. The choirs
at Bruce give students the opportunity to meet new people, develop their
voices, learn new songs and have fun.
If you love to sing, and meet new people,
there are three great options to get involved.
CONCERT CHOIR is a choir for girls and guys
in Grades 6 through 8. We will perform at several festivals throughout
the year including Choralfest, Music Celebration, the Winnipeg Music Festival,
as well as the Remembrance Day Service, Winter and Spring concerts at Bruce. We
will rehearse every Monday and Wednesday during the lunch hour. Our first
meeting will be Wednesday, September 16th in the theatre. Bring your lunch
and come ready to meet new friends, sing and have fun!
VOCAL VIBE is a smaller, auditioned group
for girls and guys in Grades 7 & 8. We will be learning fun songs in
the jazz style and will rehearse every Tuesday and Thursday during the lunch
hour. Auditions for this group were held in June. Once again, bring your lunch
and come ready to learn some exciting new music.
BEARCAT BOYS is a boys only group for guys
in Grades 6 through 8. We will perform at both the Winter and Spring
Concerts. Auditions and start time are TBA. Please let Mrs. Neufeld know if you
are interested in auditioning for this group.
I am looking forward to an exciting year of
Musically yours,
Mrs. H. Neufeld, Choral Director
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Parenting Today 2015-16
Workshops will be held from 6 - 8 p.m. at
Educational Support Services - Jameswood School, 1 Braintree Crescent (off
Olive & Ness). Free pizza supper will be offered from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. and
session will take place from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. To register please contact Arlie
Williams-Taylor at 885-9555 or email
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Parenting Strategies
Presented by: Dr. Gary Altman MD, FRCPC,
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Maria Kerkinos, Behavior Intervention
Resource Teacher, St. James-Assiniboia Sch901 Division.
Dr. Altman will be available to answer
questions as they relate to understanding and parenting children and
adolescents. Questions may relate to children that are engaging in at risk behaviours,
experiencing school related problem and situations in general where parents are
feeling that they are struggling with parenting their child or adolescent. If
parents would like to ask questions anonymously, questions can be forwarded to
and Dr. Altman can answer those questions that evening.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Triple P- Seminar 1: 'The Power
of Positive Parenting'
by Kristy Wake, Behavior Intervention Resource Teacher, Educational Support
Services, St. James-Assiniboia School Division
This seminar will introduce parents to the
5 core principles of positive parenting:
- ensuring
a safe, engaging environment for children
- creating
a positive learning environment
- using
assertive discipline
- having
realistic expectations
- taking
care of yourself as a parent
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Triple P- Seminar 2: 'Raising confident,
competent children'
by: Kristy Wake, Behavior Intervention Resource Teacher, Educational Support
Services St. James-Assiniboia School Division.
This seminar will show parents how they can
use positive parenting principles to teach children
values and skills, such as: .
respect and cooperation
to be independent
how to develop healthy self-esteem
how to become good problem-solvers
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Triple P- Seminar 3:'Raising Resilient
by Kristy Wake, Behaviour Intervention Resource Teacher, Educational Support
Services, St. James-Assiniboia School Division
seminar will focus on how parents can help children learn how to:
- recognize and accept feelings
- express their feelings appropriately
- build positive feelings
- deal with negative feelings
- deal with upsetting or stressful life events
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 Making Math
by: Antonia Hasey, Simone Kirwan, Lisa Page and Dayna Quinn-LaFleche: The Numeracy
Itinerant Resource Teachers;
Parents - you are your child's first
teacher. You have the ability to help your child discover the importance of math
in everyday life. Come and discover activities, resources, and games designed
for you and your child to do together to help instill a love of math and a
feeling of “I can do it!"
December 8, 2015
by: Jeff Kerr B.S.W. and Hayley Plesh B.S.W., Educational Support Services, St.
James Assiniboia School Division
Parents of teens have to strike a delicate
balance between encouraging growth and independence on the one hand, and
protecting teens from the hazards of risky situations and establishing
boundaries for acceptable behaviour on the other. In this evening session,
presenters Hayley and Jeff will discuss some of the challenges for parents of
teens, including promoting emotional self-regulation, managing inappropriate
behaviour, and planning around risky behavior's and situations.
Tuesday, January 12th, 2016
Sensory Processing
Facilitated by Monica Desgagnes & Robin
Jewers, Occupational Therapists, Educational Support Services, St. James
Assiniboia School Division.
The division Occupational Therapist will
talk about the common senses of touch, smell, vision, hearing and taste as well
as the “hidden” senses of balance and body position. Come out to learn to understand how these
senses contribute to social and academic learning. The presentation will provide you with tips
for children to encourage sensory engagement at home and at school.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Coaching For Confidence
“How to help your worried, fearful or shy
child: a practical approach for parents.”
Facilitated by: D. John Walker
Shyness and anxiety are normal human
emotions. Some children, however, are
much more shy or fearful than the average child. For these children, anxiety may interfere
with their enjoyment of school, activities with other children, new experiences
(swimming lessons, birthday parties, etc.), and their development of
independence and confidence. In this
session, parents will learn about anxiety in children.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Trafficking and Human
by: TBA
This session will look at the root causes
of what makes our youth so vulnerable, as well as the laws, policies and
programs that are currently in place to combat this issue. Community-based
advocates who are on the 'front lines' on a daily basis will join the
presentation to give their perspectives and expertise.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Speech an~ Language Development at Home"
by: Speech-Language Pathologists, Educational Support Services, St. JamesAssiniboia
School Division
Students who receive speech and language
support at school benefit from practice at home. The purpose of this
presentation is to provide parents with simple, quick and easy activities that
can be done as a part of the daily routine. We will provide suggestions for
helping your child practice speech sounds and language skills at home.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Science of the Developing Brain
Presented by:
Dr. Maria Phelps, School Psychologist, Educational Support Services, St. JamesAssiniboia
School Division
In recent years, our understanding of the
brain in children and teens has been helped through the use of brain-imaging
technology. This research can help parents understand why kids behave the way
they do, as well as how best to help children with ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome,
and a Learning Disability.
FREE CHILDCARE IS PROVIDED FOR SESSIONS. When registering please indicate for how many children and their ages.
Once registered for any session, IF YOU CANNOT A TTEND please be sure to cancel by contacting Arlie Williams-Taylor at 885-9555 or
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