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Friday 13 June 2014

Opening Day Triad Conferences

Opening Day Triad Conferences
Student – Parent – Teacher
September 3rd & 4th

Bruce Middle School is once again offering parents and students an opportunity to meet with teachers on September 3rd & 4th before fall classes begin.  The purpose of these meetings is to promote open and ongoing communication between home and school.

Beginning Monday, June 16th at 8:30 AM to Tuesday, September 2nd 4:00 PM, an interview can be booked on line using the Bruce Middle School Conference Manager. This application allows you, as a parent, to use the Internet to check our teachers’ conference schedules and book appointments quickly and easily.  Please book an appointment with your child’s B.L.A.S.T. teacher only.

The first time you use the Bruce Middle School Conference Manager you will be required to register and create a parent account, which only takes a minute or two. You can continue to use this same account for the duration of the time you have children in this school, so please record your password where you can reference it later.  Please note that although parents can register at any time, the booking of conferences can only begin at or after 8:30 a.m. on Monday, June 16th 2014
Letters have been sent home indicating student’s B.L.A.S.T. group.  

Interview Schedule and Procedures for September 3rd and September 4th 2014
The interviews will take place on the following dates and times:

September 3rd 2014                              September 4th 2014
• 12:00 to 6:00 p.m.                          • 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.      

Steps to registering and booking conferences:

1.Click on this link to Triad Conference registration.   

2.Register for a parent account.  To register, click the REGISTER NOW button and complete the registration page.  Once registered you will be able to log in to the Conference Manager right away.  An email will also be sent to the address you specified.  This email restates your user name and password and is a good email to retain, as you will use the same email and password when booking future rounds of Parent-Teacher Conferences.  If you forget your password you can reset it using the FORGOT PASSWORD link under the login button. Once registered you can log in to the Conference Manager any time

3.Click the BOOK NOW button.  Select conference date in the date drop-down that appears and then select the teacher(s) you wish to meet with and click the NEXT button. To coordinate bookings involving multiple teachers, select all the teachers applicable to your child(ren) with whom you wish to meet.  

4.Click on an available time slot for each teacher you selected and complete the booking form that appears. You should see the booking appear in the summary list on the right hand side of the screen.  A confirmation email is sent for each booking you make or subsequently cancel. You will also receive a reminder and conference itinerary by email.

5.Confirm your appointments have been booked by looking at the “CURRENTLY BOOKED CONFERENCES” box on the right of the screen or click on the MY CONFERENCES tab.  Only appointments that appear in the CURRENTLY BOOKED CONFERENCES box or on the MY CONFERENCES page are confirmed bookings.

6.When finished booking, click the log off button located at the top right of the browser window.  You will have the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the use of the Conference Manager to the school administration through a user survey before completely exiting. We appreciate you completing the survey as this helps guide our decision-making regarding how conferences are booked in the future.

We greatly appreciate parents booking their own appointments, but know this is not always possible.  If you are unable to book your own appointment due to limited computer access or for any other reason, please phone the school at 888-1990 during regular office hours.  Mrs. Lelieveld would be happy to assist you either by phone or by email at

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