Your News... In Real-Time!

At Bruce Middle School we've decided to go paperless with our newsletter.

There are two advantages to this:

- The saving of paper is a savings in costs and more importantly another step in our ongoing commitment to sustainability.

- By offering news in this format, we can now provide our community with real-time news as it happens, instead of waiting until the end of the month to send out information.

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Friday 10 October 2014

25 Year of Terry Fox!

This year marks our 25th Anniversary of participation and fundraising for the Terry Fox Run. At our October Assembly, Brenda Kreuger, a representative from the foundation accepted our fundraising cheque and surprised us with a 25 year banner to hang proudly in our school. With our very impressive fundraising total this year of $8, 457.30, Bruce Middle school has now raised over $114,000 towards Cancer research. A huge thank you goes out to all students, parents and community members who have continually supported this cause throughout the years! Great Job Bearcats!

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