Your News... In Real-Time!

At Bruce Middle School we've decided to go paperless with our newsletter.

There are two advantages to this:

- The saving of paper is a savings in costs and more importantly another step in our ongoing commitment to sustainability.

- By offering news in this format, we can now provide our community with real-time news as it happens, instead of waiting until the end of the month to send out information.

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Tuesday 24 November 2015

Green Team


Hello! We are the green team. We are fundraising money to support endangered species through World Wildlife Fund. We are selling chocolate chip cookies starting Tuesday, November 24 at break and at lunch, and on Wednesday, November 25 at break, at lunch, and we are even selling during portfolio night. Cost is only 25 cents for the small ones, 50 cents for the medium ones, and 75 cents for the large ones. When you buy a cookie, you can vote for the animal you would like to support. The endangered species with the most votes, is the one that the money will support. Thanks!

More information about adopting an endangered species is found in the link below.

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