Your News... In Real-Time!

At Bruce Middle School we've decided to go paperless with our newsletter.

There are two advantages to this:

- The saving of paper is a savings in costs and more importantly another step in our ongoing commitment to sustainability.

- By offering news in this format, we can now provide our community with real-time news as it happens, instead of waiting until the end of the month to send out information.

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Monday 20 June 2016

Day of Silence

Bruce held a very successful day of Silence on May 27. In total, we had 37 students and 2 staff participate. Together, we raised 32 food items and $64. The We Day team also held a chocolate chip cookie bake sale in June and raised $69.

On Thursday, June 16, the We Day team visited Siloam Mission to make our food donation and also to buy artwork from the art program there. We purchased 3 beautiful works of art from local artists who will receive the full purchase amount for each work.

The art work will be displayed in the school.

Thank you to all who helped make this initiative a success!

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